AG 7 Why indeed? Questions at the interface of theoretical and computational linguistics

Annette Hautli-Janisz, Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli und Tatjana Scheffler

Building K2, room 17.71

Kurzbeschreibung // short description

The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for joining formal theoretical work on the linguistic structure of questions with computational approaches targeted at question classification, interpretation, processing, or generation. Our goals are two-fold: On the one hand, we aim to promote theoretical linguistic investigations of questions that are amenable to computational formalization. On the other hand, we are interested in computational analyses of questions and NLP systems that make use of existing linguistic insights or shed new light on specific issues regarding the linguistics of questions.

Organisatoren // organizers

Annette Hautli-Janisz (Uni Konstanz)

Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli (Uni Konstanz)

Tatjana Scheffler (Uni Potsdam)

Ablauf // schedule

Mi., 07.03.2018


Annette Hautli-Janisz, Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli and Tatjana Scheffler


Jonathan Ginzburg (invited talk)
Characterizing the Response Space of Questions 


Pawel Łupkowski, Jonathan Ginzburg & Sebastian Seyda
Dependent Query Responses 


Kaffeepause / coffee break



Georg A. Kaiser & Katharina Kaiser
What parallel texts can tell us about word order variation and change: A case study on wh-interrogatives in Romance


Do., 08.09.2018



Kordula De Kuthy, Tobias Kolditz & Detmar Meurers
Generating Questions under Discussion



Sophia Malamud &Tatjana Scheffler
Propositions, updates, speech acts – what is involved in “won’t you?” question tags in American English?


Kaffeepause / coffee break


Masaharu Shimada & Akiko Nagano
Selection of Sentence-Final Particles in Answers


Aleksandar Trklja
A relevance-theoretic perspective on the typology of questions


Mittagspause / Lunch break


Mark-Matthias Zymla
Linguistic Variation in the Realization of Rhetorical Questions —Providing Semantics and Pragmatics for German RQs


Brian Plüss, Katarzyna Budzynska & Chris Reed
Modelling Questions in Public Arbitrations with Inference Anchoring Theory

Fr., 09.03.2018


new slot om Wed

Georg A. Kaiser & Katharina Kaiser
What parallel texts can tell us about word order variation and change: A case study on wh-interrogatives in Romance



Farhat Jabeen & Miriam Butt
Word Order and Question Type: A Corpus Analysis of Bollywood Scripts



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