
Fees - early bird discount - child care and sign language interpreters

Online registration

The online registration is closed. Registration on site is still possible!

Conference fees

We offer an 'early bird' registration until Jan 15th 2018. Please note that we won’t be able to send the conference booklet to you if you register after Jan 15th 2018.

Conference fees depend on the DGfS membership and available income. The fees are:

DGfS member – regular membership fee

early bird: 50,00 €, regular 55,00 €

DGfS member – reduced membership fee

early bird: 35,00 €, regular: 40,00 €

DGfS non-member – with income

early bird: 70,00 €, regular: 75,00 €

DGfS non-member – no income

early bird: 40,00 €, regular: 45,00 €

Additional information

Child care

The University of Stuttgart will be able to provide child care, either at the venue or in daycare facilities (depending on the demand). If you need child care please notify us upon registration by placing a checkmark next to the corresponding items. Moreover we kindly ask you to write an email to eva-maria.uebel@ling.uni-stuttgart with the subject ‘child care’ in which you tell us the age of the child(ren) and for which days you need child care. Thank you!

Sign Language Interpreter

If you need a sign language interpreter, please notify upon registration by placing a checkmark next to the corresponding items. Moreover we kindly ask you to write an email to eva-maria.uebel@ling.uni-stuttgart with the subject ‘interpreter’ in which you tell us which session you are going to attend and if you need international sign. Thank you!

Link to registration

The link is closed.


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