Visual Analytics for Linguistics
Di., 6. März 2018, 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr.
Room: 11.42 in K1 (= Keplerstraße 1)
Coordination: Miriam Butt, Menna El-Assady, Annette Hautli-Janisz (Universität Konstanz)
Beschreibung (in englischer Sprache):
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the emerging field of the visualization of linguistic information (LingVis). LingVis combines techniques developed in the fields of Information Visualization (InfoVis) and Visual Analytics with methodology and analyses from theoretical and computational linguistics. Besides standard visualization techniques such as bar charts, scatterplots or line charts, a large number of advanced novel methods have been developed. Prominent examples are treemaps, pixel displays, sunburst visualizations and glyphs of varying complexity. We present concrete use cases of LingVis for synchronic and diachronic linguistic questions, particularly show-casing our recent work on political argumentation within the VisArgue project and the new platform HistoBankVis for working with diachronic treebanks. A part of the course will include a hands-on session in which students can experiment with pre-prepared data sets and freely accessible LingVis software in order to investigate how complex linguistic questions can profit from visual analysis.
The course will build on a similar course held in 2016 at the DGfS by Miriam Butt and Dominik Sacha, see
Expected level and prerequisites
Introductory. Basic knowledge of linguistics is required. Elementary programming experience will be helpful but is not a priori required.
There will be no extra fee for participants of the 40th Annual Meeting of the DGfS. For organizational reasons, the number of participants is limited, and people interested in participating are asked to register for the course as part of the overall registration for the Annual Meeting.